Altium Designer New Board Wizard | Altium Designer User Manual | Documentation.

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This page details the improvements included in the initial release of Altium Designer 22, as well as those added in subsequent updates. Along with delivering a range of improvements that develop and mature the existing technologies, each update also incorporates a large number of fixes and enhancements across the software based on feedback raised by customers through the AltiumLive Community’s BugCrunch system, helping you continue to create cutting-edge electronics technology.

If you like what you see but are not yet a customer, why not take Altium Designer for a test drive? By filling out a simple form, you can try Altium Designer for free with 15 days of access to the full software. That’s right, the ability to evaluate the full Altium Designer experience with no technical limitations, giving you unfettered access to the world’s finest PCB design product.

Click the link below, fill out the form, and see for yourself why more engineers and designers choose Altium than any other product available!

Altium Designer Free Trial. Release Notes for Altium Designer Version If your design includes variants with ‘Not Fitted’ components, these components will no longer have Paste Mask included on their pads. All Paste Mask output types have been updated to support this feature. Paste mask dark grey color is automatically excluded for Not Fitted components. Hover the cursor over the image to show a different variant of this board. You can now change the layer for a tuning object Accordion, Trombone and Sawtooth through the Properties panel using the new Layer drop-down in the Properties region as shown below for an accordion object as an example.

When pushing changes to a project that is under an external Git VCS or making such a project available online and the repository in which that design resides uses the SSH protocol for connection not supported by Altium Designer , you are now offered the choice to try to have that repository updated to use the supported HTTPS connection protocol instead provided the repository itself supports this protocol.

When multiple users are editing the same ‘soft-locked’ document that is part of a Workspace project, an associated conflict status icon appears in the Projects panel. In this release, the conflict status icons provided by the soft-locking functionality are now actionable.

You can click the icon to resolve the conflict by reverting your edits. The repository validation functionality has been disabled due to the inability to commit to an SVN repository. The functionality will be improved and restored in a future release. The feature that provides improved document VCS status has been disabled by default for the time being. To recap, this feature turns the VCS icons for project documents in the Projects panel into active controls that can be clicked to access more specific information, along with commands to perform applicable actions.

If you have not experienced an impact on performance, you can simply enable this feature again. This feature is available when the UI. ActionableDocumentStatuses option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog. When there are a large number of documents open, they are grouped by document kind or by project using the Group documents by kind option on the System – View page of the Preferences dialog.

With this release, the list of documents is sorted alphabetically. When the option By document kind is enabled on the System – View page, documents are sorted alphabetically. When the By project option is enabled, documents are sorted alphabetically within document type.

An alphabetized grouping of schematic documents is shown in the image below as an example. This release added the ability to create and edit comments in a Draftsman document, similar to the existing ability in schematic and PCB documents.

This feature gives you the option to automatically assign simulation models to components without models. To use this feature, click Assign Automatically in the Components without Models region under the Verification stage in the Simulation Dashboard panel. The search will be sequentially performed in the following sources:.

The models found will be assigned to the components, with pins automatically mapped between the component and simulation model. The results of the auto-assignment are displayed in the Simulation Dashboard panel. If the simulation model cannot be correctly mapped to the component, this component will be listed under the Components with Partly Assigned Models entry in the Simulation Dashboard panel. You can click the Edit Model link for the component to open the Sim Model dialog and edit the pin mapping.

In this release, you can now quickly access the most popular simulation generic components resistor, capacitor, transistors, etc. This feature allows for the custom naming of multi-functional pins. Use the new Functions field of the Pin mode of the Properties panel in a schematic library document to enter the desired custom name.

After clicking Enter , the custom alternate name will display below the field as shown in the image below. All Font Settings for the custom name are the same as the original pin name.

In the Component mode of the Properties panel in a schematic document, the custom names are displayed on the Pins tab. Custom pin names can also be defined when creating a schematic symbol using the Symbol Wizard.

Example of a pin name with slash characters in the Symbol Wizard. Hover the cursor over the image to see the properties of the generated symbol’s pin. Display of pin names on schematic symbols can be managed by clicking on the name of a pin with custom names defined. In the pop-up window that opens, check the function names you would like to display on the schematic symbol. If no custom pin name is selected in the list, the default name will be shown.

Example of a pop-up menu for a pin with custom pin names. Hover the cursor over the image to see this pin after selecting some custom names. Therefore, the Unsupported multi-channel alternate item check is removed from the Error Reporting tab of the Project Options dialog.

Component designators and net names in text frames that are placed on the schematic function as links and provide cross-probing capabilities within the schematic and printed PDFs. Use the Properties region of the Text Frame mode of the Properties panel to define the link by using ‘ ‘ in the Text field to access a list of possible choices.

Select the desired primitive to search for; the text frame now includes a link as shown in the second image below. Any schematic design object that is placed outside of the schematic sheet boundaries can now be selected and moved.

When an object is selected, the same set of operations and commands can be performed as for an object within the schematic sheet boundaries. To provide you with a quick view of the current PCB design’s parameters, a new Parameters tab for the Board mode of the Properties panel has been added.

The tab lists both system parameters e. The parameter listing can be narrowed down using the filter buttons at the top of the panel. A parameter can be quickly placed as a special string using the Place button at the bottom of the list when the parameter is selected in the panel. The Parameters tab for the Board mode of the Properties panel provides you with comprehensive parametric information on your PCB design.

Features for comparing locally saved schematic documents with a commit or release of the Altium Workspace project for which these documents are constituent parts have been implemented.

After selecting a command, the comparison results will be presented in a new tab of your default web browser. An example of schematic comparison results. In this release, a new Design Reuse mode of the Properties panel has been implemented. When a selected schematic or PCB component is part of a reuse block placed in the design, this mode can be accessed by clicking the Reuse Block link provided in the Component mode of the panel.

The properties of the component’s parent reuse block will be presented in the panel. To return to the properties of the initially selected component, use the Component link.

Access the reuse block properties from a component that is a part of this reuse block. The images above display accessing the properties from a schematic component. Hover the cursor over the image to see access from a PCB component. General tasks tasks applied to the current project but are not associated with a project comment or document are now shown in the Comments and Tasks panel. These tasks are listed in the panel in a separate group under the entry of the project.

For general tasks, the same content and attributes are shown in the panel as for regular tasks assignee, priority, etc. General tasks are now listed in the Comments and Tasks panel.

Each example demonstrates a real-world use case of simulation, complete with information on setting up the simulator and interpreting the results. In the Sim Data Editor, the Y-axis for simulation results can now be presented in logarithmic form in the same way that was previously possible for the X-axis.

Use the Y Axis Setting dialog to configure the Y-axis to be presented in logarithmic form. The following features have been taken out of Open Beta and have transitioned to Public in this release:. When this and the Jump to Results options are enabled, all found elements will be zoomed while other elements are dimmed according to the settings on the System — Navigation page of the Preferences dialog.

To give you more flexibility, differential pairs can now be defined using custom suffixes in the Diff Pairs region of the Project Options – Options dialog.

Custom suffixes cannot be added if only one suffix of the pair is defined or if any of the suffixes are used in another pair of custom suffixes. The final goal of each PCB design is to get a correct and reliable set of assembly and fabrication outputs, and one purpose of any design tool is to provide a user with tools to find and resolve the issues that could arise during the design process before the design goes to production.

For example, PCB components could have degrees rotation value in previous versions of Altium Designer, but this situation is not allowed anymore in the current versions — the software will set such components to 0 degrees. To help you in detecting and resolving such issues, and some other issues that can arise under certain conditions, the concept of PCB Health Checks has been introduced.

These checks allow you to discover common issues in the PCB design, fix them, and avoid potential problems during the next stages of the design and manufacturing process. The list of available PCB Health checks will grow up moving forward. The Board mode of the Properties panel available when no object is selected in the active PCB document has the new Health Check tab that enables you to configure, perform, and explore the results of the PCB Health Check.

Recommendations for fixing the issues of a specific type can also be found on this tab of the panel. The new Health Check tab of the Properties panel is in the Board mode. This button allows you to control visibility for the board shapes of the PCBs that are constituents of the selected board array. Use the Board Shape button to control the visibility of the board shape. Hover the cursor over the image to see the difference between the enabled and disabled states.

The Print dialog has been enhanced to streamline the configuration of the pages to be printed from a PCB design. Some options have been relocated and updated from bullets to highlighted boxes in order to improve the readability for our users. The Pages tab now includes Printout Properties options for the display of surface mounts, through-holes, and design views, as well as a Displayed Layers region to configure specific layers. All copper layer objects with a net assignment of No Net will be checked.

To run the check, click Tools » Design Rule Check.


Laying out Your PCB in Altium Designer | Altium Designer User Manual | Documentation


To manage the visibility of these folders, the Show Components and Nets folders option has been added to the Settings pop-up of the Projects panel appears when the icon is clicked at the top of the panel and the General region of the System — Projects Panel page of the Preferences dialog.

The Show Components and Nets folders option in the Projects panel setting pop-up. The Comments panel allows you to add comments to a defined area or point in the active document of a Workspace project and assign these comments to Workspace members, essentially creating tasks for them. To reflect that, the panel has been renamed Comments and Tasks. Also, the new Tasks only option in the panel’s filter menu allows you to display only the comments with tasks. Note that the functionality for creating and managing tasks from the Comments and Tasks panel is not supported with the Standard Subscription Plan.

As such, with this level of access to Altium , this functionality is not available and the panel will be titled Comments. Sensitivity Analysis provides a way of determining which circuit components or factors have the most influence on the output characteristics of a circuit.

With this information, you can reduce the influence of negative characteristics, or alternatively, enhance the circuit performance based on positive characteristics. The result of the analysis is a table of the ranged values of sensitivities for each measurement type.

Once it has been enabled, the Sensitivity properties can be configured in the Advanced Analysis Settings dialog, as shown below. The Via Type View object has been added to Draftsman documents. The view will display in the document. Select the view to access its properties. In this release, the support for automatically creating and updating cross-references has been extended for the Sheet Entry objects. Sheet Entries will be tagged with sheet and location coordinates of the corresponding port object on the child schematic sheet.

Enable the Automatic Cross References and Sheet Entries options in project options for tagging sheet entries with cross reference values.

Cross references are enabled for sheet entries. Cross Reference values are also displayed in the Sheet Entry mode of the Properties panel , which simplifies the task of identifying the Cross Reference that is being applied to the selected Sheet Entry. Cross References can be explored in the Properties panel of the selected sheet entry. Support of cross references has also been extended in schematic PDF outputs. If an object is related to more than one connected object e.

Select a list item to open the corresponding page. In the schematic PDF output, multiple connected objects can be easily navigated using the pop-up menu. To give you greater control over the glossing process, a new Gloss And Retrace panel has been introduced for configuring options for the Route » Gloss Selected and Route » Retrace Selected commands.

This new panel can be used to set the gloss and retrace parameters that work best for the selected routing that you are currently glossing or retracing in your design.

For the following two options, you can choose between the Min , Max , or Preferred value of the corresponding rule. Choose Current to leave the existing width or gap unchanged, or type in a new value. Whenever a change is made in the panel or Preferences dialog, it is reflected in the other. The installation defaults are preset to match earlier versions. Glossing behavior during interactive routing or interactive sliding is controlled by the settings in the PCB Editor – Interactive Routing page of the Preferences dialog which can also be configured while you are working in the Interactive Routing and Interactive Sliding modes of the Properties panel.

You can now select the via type to ensure it is protected according to the IPC standard. Additionally, when a via that has the via type set to IPC in its properties is placed in a PCB design, new types of mechanical layers and component layer pairs are automatically added to the design, with corresponding shapes on these layers. The IPC via type mechanical layers are automatically added to the design.

The Top Tenting layer is shown on the design space by way of example. Changes made to PCB component designators did not previously update custom, designator-specific design rules. They had to be updated manually. Enabling this new feature changes references in design rules when PCB component designators are: reannotated; updated by an ECO; or manually edited on the board.

Because of their small physical dimensions, routing in and out of surface mount devices is often dense and complex. In previous versions of the software, if the SMD rules could not be observed, for example, the required ‘distance to corner’ was not available; the router would fail to place any track segments as shown in the video below. To improve the pad entry and exit behavior, the following improvements are available:. Counterholes in the laminate allow room for screw heads.

Countersink and counterbore holes are two types of counterholes that allow for different types of screws. This release introduces the ability to choose counterbore or countersink holes. The key difference between countersink and counterbore screws is the size and shape of the holes; counterbore holes are wider and more square to allow for the addition of washers.

Countersink holes create a conical hole matching the angled shape on the underside of a flat-head screw. A countersink is a cone-shaped hole cut into the laminate.

It is typically used to allow the tapered head of a screw to sit flush with the top of the laminate. By comparison, a counterbore makes a flat-bottomed hole and its sides are drilled straight down. This is usually used to fit a hex-headed cap or screw. Only one countersink or counterbore hole per pad is allowed.

Use the new options in the Pad mode of the Properties panel to choose the type of counterhole desired. A dashed line appears around the pad in 2D to define the counter hole contour on the active layer as shown in the images below. The positioning of the dashed lines is different for Top Side and Bottom Side as seen in the images. Counterholes are supported in 2D, 3D, and in Draftsman. A ‘virtual’ BOM item is added to the project in the Projects panel if there is at least one component in the project.

You can open, save or remove the BOM item. BomDoc has been saved it will become a standard project document. When a project document is removed or its UniqueID has changed, the comments for the document can become “detached”. Those comments can still be accessed from the Comments panel’s Detached Comments collapsible region.

Click on a detached comment’s tile in the panel to show the comment in the design space of the currently opened document. You can restore a comment by selecting it then clicking the mouse. This new option allows you to specify which parameter should be used as a Local Part Name rather than using ‘Comment’ by default. Enable the option then use the associated drop-down to select the desired parameter. A focus for this release is a number of improvements in the ability to analyze simulation measurement results.

Along with additional measurement types, a number of new measurement-based features have been added. These include:. The Show on chart feature displays the measurement cursors where that measurement was calculated. Hover the cursor over the image to show a Histogram of the measurement results. The Counter Hole View object has been added to Draftsman documents.

Select the view to access and view and edit the properties. The following feature has been taken out of Open Beta and has transitioned to Public in this release:. New in Altium Designer. Using Altium Documentation. Contents Altium Designer You have the choice to continue with your current version, update your current version, or install Altium Designer 22 alongside your current version to access the latest features.

Your current version can be updated from within the software in the Extensions and Updates view. If you prefer to install Altium Designer 22 alongside your current version, visit the Altium Downloads page to download the installer then choose New Installation on the Installation Mode page of the installer.

Free Trial! Altium Designer This feature is in Open Beta and is available when the UI. Learn more about Project Commenting.

This feature is in Open Beta and is available when the Draftsman. Comments option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog. This feature is in Open Beta and is available when the Simulation.

ModelAutoAssign option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog. Key Highlights. Schematic Capture Improvements Custom Names for Multi-functional Pins This feature allows for the custom naming of multi-functional pins. Note that use of the slash character to delimit each pin function is hard-coded, so if a pin name should contain a slash but without creating custom pin names for it e. Note that the names of pins with custom names use a background color different from the component body color to distinguish such pins in the design space this will not affect the schematic printouts.

When a component placed on a schematic sheet is being updated from its source library, and pins of the component have custom naming defined on the schematic sheet only, updating will not remove the custom pin naming.

This feature is in Open Beta. If desired, it can be disabled using the Schematic. If desired, it can be accessed using the associated options in the Advanced Settings dialog. To learn more about design data comparison features provided by the Altium Workspace, see Design Data Comparisons.

A general task for a project can be created from the Tasks page of the Altium Workspace browser-based interface when accessing the detailed management page for the project. To learn more, see Management of a Specific Project — Tasks.

If desired, it can be disabled using the PCB. Route it your way, faster than ever. Altium Cloud Services. Latest Altium Designer Software. Unlimited Learning. Live Support. Maintenance Updates. Schematic Capture. Unified Library Management. Mixed Simulation. Board Layout. Interactive Routing. MCAD Collaboration. Data Management. Manufacturing Outputs. Fabrication Drawings. Starting at. Perpetual License Buy an Altium Designer license once, and use it forever.

Starting at price3. Buy now. Something else we can help with? Enable the initial functionality you would like in your installation of Altium Designer. This can be changed later if required. Click to enable the functionality you require. As you select and deselect functionality, text at the bottom of the page dynamically updates to reflect the space required for installation.

Note that the figure given for the amount of downloaded data does not apply to the Offline Installer. Remember, no matter what decision you take during initial installation, you can add or remove features and functionality at any stage after installation.

This puts you in the driver’s seat to fully customize your installation in-line with your possibly ever-changing design needs. This next page of the Installer allows you to specify the destination folders for the install, in terms of both the Program Files for the software and the Shared Documents that are accessed and used by the software.

Specify where the software and associated documents are to be installed. These locations become especially important when installing multiple instances of Altium Designer. If one or both of these destinations is not currently an empty folder i. To specify alternate locations, type the location directly into the applicable field or click the folder icon at the right of a field and browse for the required destination folder.

This page is used to choose whether to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. Since this program requires connection with Altium, it is not required for an offline installation, therefore, you can choose the Don’t participate option then click Next. The Installer now has all the information it requires to proceed with the installation. If you need to change anything, click the Back button. If you want to cancel out of the install, click Cancel.

Ready to begin the install! The page will change from Ready to Install to Installing Altium Designer and the installation will proceed with the required files first being prepared from the set of files contained within the unzipped Offline Installation package. Progress of this preparation is displayed within the Installer itself. Installation commences by preparing the required set of install files. Once the preparation of files is complete, they will be installed, again with progress displayed in the Installer.

After the file preparation is complete, the software is then installed. That’s it, installation is complete! An option is provided to launch Altium Designer when you exit the Installer, which is enabled by default. The process of running the Wizard is outlined below. Note that the Wizard also performs file version checking, Allegro files up to If Extracta. Altium Designer runs the extraction process using the following batch file and extraction command file:.

Surround the filename with double quotes if the filename contains spaces, for example Allegro2Altium “your file. Main page: Import Wizard.


Altium designer 17 pcb board wizard free

Seamlessly accessible from Altium Designer 19 (and up), it provides the most connected experience with Altium Designer GerbView supports both RSD and RSX Gerber formats, and Altium Viewer provides you with a short HTML code snippet you can use to visualize your electronic designs directly onto your own website, forums, or. The image below shows the SODIMM board with the negative end of the CLK net class highlighted; Etsi töitä, jotka liittyvät hakusanaan Altium update pcb footprint from library tai palkkaa maailman suurimmalta Designer 2 / 7. April 11th, – Creating and Modifying a Project with Altium Designer EEL EEL Design 1 and 2. Altium CircuitMaker is a free PCB design tool. So far, I have been placing all the needed footprints on a board file and then import it using Altium import wizard. Help with Allegro-Altium PCB conversion Thread starter Rive; Start date Mar 2, ; Mar 2, #1 Rive. Science Advisor. 2, 1,


PCB Design Software & Tools | Altium.

The image below shows the SODIMM board with the negative end of the CLK net class highlighted; Etsi töitä, jotka liittyvät hakusanaan Altium update pcb footprint from library tai palkkaa maailman suurimmalta Designer 2 / 7. April 11th, – Creating and Modifying a Project with Altium Designer EEL EEL Design 1 and 2. Seamlessly accessible from Altium Designer 19 (and up), it provides the most connected experience with Altium Designer GerbView supports both RSD and RSX Gerber formats, and Altium Viewer provides you with a short HTML code snippet you can use to visualize your electronic designs directly onto your own website, forums, or. Altium CircuitMaker is a free PCB design tool. So far, I have been placing all the needed footprints on a board file and then import it using Altium import wizard. Help with Allegro-Altium PCB conversion Thread starter Rive; Start date Mar 2, ; Mar 2, #1 Rive. Science Advisor. 2, 1,

Altium Designer New Board Wizard | Altium Designer User Manual | Documentation.

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Design Rule Wizard | Altium Designer User Manual | Documentation – Recent Articles

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This page details the improvements included in the initial release of Altium Designer 22, as well as those added in subsequent updates. Along with delivering a range of improvements that develop and mature the existing technologies, each update also incorporates a large number of fixes and enhancements across the software based on feedback raised by customers through the AltiumLive Community’s BugCrunch system, helping you continue to create cutting-edge electronics technology.

If you like what you see but are not yet a customer, why not take Altium Designer for a test drive? By filling out a simple form, you can try Altium Designer for free with 15 days of access to the full software. That’s right, the ability to evaluate the full Altium Designer experience with no technical limitations, giving you unfettered access to the world’s finest PCB design product.

Click the link below, fill out the form, and see for yourself why more engineers and designers choose Altium than any other product available!

Altium Designer Free Trial. Release Notes for Altium Designer Version If your design includes variants with ‘Not Fitted’ components, these components will no longer have Paste Mask included on their pads. All Paste Mask output types have been updated to support this feature. Paste mask dark grey color is automatically excluded for Not Fitted components. Hover the cursor over the image to show a different variant of this board. You can now change the layer for a tuning object Accordion, Trombone and Sawtooth through the Properties panel using the new Layer drop-down in the Properties region as shown below for an accordion object as an example.

When pushing changes to a project that is under an external Git VCS or making such a project available online and the repository in which that design resides uses the SSH protocol for connection not supported by Altium Designer , you are now offered the choice to try to have that repository updated to use the supported HTTPS connection protocol instead provided the repository itself supports this protocol.

When multiple users are editing the same ‘soft-locked’ document that is part of a Workspace project, an associated conflict status icon appears in the Projects panel. In this release, the conflict status icons provided by the soft-locking functionality are now actionable.

You can click the icon to resolve the conflict by reverting your edits. The repository validation functionality has been disabled due to the inability to commit to an SVN repository. The functionality will be improved and restored in a future release. The feature that provides improved document VCS status has been disabled by default for the time being. To recap, this feature turns the VCS icons for project documents in the Projects panel into active controls that can be clicked to access more specific information, along with commands to perform applicable actions.

If you have not experienced an impact on performance, you can simply enable this feature again. This feature is available when the UI. ActionableDocumentStatuses option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog. When there are a large number of documents open, they are grouped by document kind or by project using the Group documents by kind option on the System – View page of the Preferences dialog.

With this release, the list of documents is sorted alphabetically. When the option By document kind is enabled on the System – View page, documents are sorted alphabetically. When the By project option is enabled, documents are sorted alphabetically within document type.

An alphabetized grouping of schematic documents is shown in the image below as an example. This release added the ability to create and edit comments in a Draftsman document, similar to the existing ability in schematic and PCB documents.

This feature gives you the option to automatically assign simulation models to components without models. To use this feature, click Assign Automatically in the Components without Models region under the Verification stage in the Simulation Dashboard panel. The search will be sequentially performed in the following sources:.

The models found will be assigned to the components, with pins automatically mapped between the component and simulation model. The results of the auto-assignment are displayed in the Simulation Dashboard panel. If the simulation model cannot be correctly mapped to the component, this component will be listed under the Components with Partly Assigned Models entry in the Simulation Dashboard panel. You can click the Edit Model link for the component to open the Sim Model dialog and edit the pin mapping.

In this release, you can now quickly access the most popular simulation generic components resistor, capacitor, transistors, etc. This feature allows for the custom naming of multi-functional pins. Use the new Functions field of the Pin mode of the Properties panel in a schematic library document to enter the desired custom name.

After clicking Enter , the custom alternate name will display below the field as shown in the image below. All Font Settings for the custom name are the same as the original pin name.

In the Component mode of the Properties panel in a schematic document, the custom names are displayed on the Pins tab. Custom pin names can also be defined when creating a schematic symbol using the Symbol Wizard.

Example of a pin name with slash characters in the Symbol Wizard. Hover the cursor over the image to see the properties of the generated symbol’s pin. Display of pin names on schematic symbols can be managed by clicking on the name of a pin with custom names defined. In the pop-up window that opens, check the function names you would like to display on the schematic symbol. If no custom pin name is selected in the list, the default name will be shown.

Example of a pop-up menu for a pin with custom pin names. Hover the cursor over the image to see this pin after selecting some custom names. Therefore, the Unsupported multi-channel alternate item check is removed from the Error Reporting tab of the Project Options dialog.

Component designators and net names in text frames that are placed on the schematic function as links and provide cross-probing capabilities within the schematic and printed PDFs. Use the Properties region of the Text Frame mode of the Properties panel to define the link by using ‘ ‘ in the Text field to access a list of possible choices.

Select the desired primitive to search for; the text frame now includes a link as shown in the second image below. Any schematic design object that is placed outside of the schematic sheet boundaries can now be selected and moved.

When an object is selected, the same set of operations and commands can be performed as for an object within the schematic sheet boundaries. To provide you with a quick view of the current PCB design’s parameters, a new Parameters tab for the Board mode of the Properties panel has been added.

The tab lists both system parameters e. The parameter listing can be narrowed down using the filter buttons at the top of the panel. A parameter can be quickly placed as a special string using the Place button at the bottom of the list when the parameter is selected in the panel. The Parameters tab for the Board mode of the Properties panel provides you with comprehensive parametric information on your PCB design.

Features for comparing locally saved schematic documents with a commit or release of the Altium Workspace project for which these documents are constituent parts have been implemented.

After selecting a command, the comparison results will be presented in a new tab of your default web browser. An example of schematic comparison results. In this release, a new Design Reuse mode of the Properties panel has been implemented. When a selected schematic or PCB component is part of a reuse block placed in the design, this mode can be accessed by clicking the Reuse Block link provided in the Component mode of the panel.

The properties of the component’s parent reuse block will be presented in the panel. To return to the properties of the initially selected component, use the Component link.

Access the reuse block properties from a component that is a part of this reuse block. The images above display accessing the properties from a schematic component. Hover the cursor over the image to see access from a PCB component. General tasks tasks applied to the current project but are not associated with a project comment or document are now shown in the Comments and Tasks panel. These tasks are listed in the panel in a separate group under the entry of the project.

For general tasks, the same content and attributes are shown in the panel as for regular tasks assignee, priority, etc. General tasks are now listed in the Comments and Tasks panel.

Each example demonstrates a real-world use case of simulation, complete with information on setting up the simulator and interpreting the results. In the Sim Data Editor, the Y-axis for simulation results can now be presented in logarithmic form in the same way that was previously possible for the X-axis.

Use the Y Axis Setting dialog to configure the Y-axis to be presented in logarithmic form. The following features have been taken out of Open Beta and have transitioned to Public in this release:. When this and the Jump to Results options are enabled, all found elements will be zoomed while other elements are dimmed according to the settings on the System — Navigation page of the Preferences dialog.

To give you more flexibility, differential pairs can now be defined using custom suffixes in the Diff Pairs region of the Project Options – Options dialog.

Custom suffixes cannot be added if only one suffix of the pair is defined or if any of the suffixes are used in another pair of custom suffixes. The final goal of each PCB design is to get a correct and reliable set of assembly and fabrication outputs, and one purpose of any design tool is to provide a user with tools to find and resolve the issues that could arise during the design process before the design goes to production.

For example, PCB components could have degrees rotation value in previous versions of Altium Designer, but this situation is not allowed anymore in the current versions — the software will set such components to 0 degrees. To help you in detecting and resolving such issues, and some other issues that can arise under certain conditions, the concept of PCB Health Checks has been introduced.

These checks allow you to discover common issues in the PCB design, fix them, and avoid potential problems during the next stages of the design and manufacturing process. The list of available PCB Health checks will grow up moving forward. The Board mode of the Properties panel available when no object is selected in the active PCB document has the new Health Check tab that enables you to configure, perform, and explore the results of the PCB Health Check.

Recommendations for fixing the issues of a specific type can also be found on this tab of the panel. The new Health Check tab of the Properties panel is in the Board mode. This button allows you to control visibility for the board shapes of the PCBs that are constituents of the selected board array. Use the Board Shape button to control the visibility of the board shape. Hover the cursor over the image to see the difference between the enabled and disabled states.

The Print dialog has been enhanced to streamline the configuration of the pages to be printed from a PCB design. Some options have been relocated and updated from bullets to highlighted boxes in order to improve the readability for our users. The Pages tab now includes Printout Properties options for the display of surface mounts, through-holes, and design views, as well as a Displayed Layers region to configure specific layers. All copper layer objects with a net assignment of No Net will be checked.

To run the check, click Tools » Design Rule Check.


Laying out Your PCB in Altium Designer | Altium Designer User Manual | Documentation


To manage the visibility of these folders, the Show Components and Nets folders option has been added to the Settings pop-up of the Projects panel appears when the icon is clicked at the top of the panel and the General region of the System — Projects Panel page of the Preferences dialog.

The Show Components and Nets folders option in the Projects panel setting pop-up. The Comments panel allows you to add comments to a defined area or point in the active document of a Workspace project and assign these comments to Workspace members, essentially creating tasks for them. To reflect that, the panel has been renamed Comments and Tasks. Also, the new Tasks only option in the panel’s filter menu allows you to display only the comments with tasks. Note that the functionality for creating and managing tasks from the Comments and Tasks panel is not supported with the Standard Subscription Plan.

As such, with this level of access to Altium , this functionality is not available and the panel will be titled Comments. Sensitivity Analysis provides a way of determining which circuit components or factors have the most influence on the output characteristics of a circuit.

With this information, you can reduce the influence of negative characteristics, or alternatively, enhance the circuit performance based on positive characteristics. The result of the analysis is a table of the ranged values of sensitivities for each measurement type.

Once it has been enabled, the Sensitivity properties can be configured in the Advanced Analysis Settings dialog, as shown below. The Via Type View object has been added to Draftsman documents. The view will display in the document. Select the view to access its properties. In this release, the support for automatically creating and updating cross-references has been extended for the Sheet Entry objects. Sheet Entries will be tagged with sheet and location coordinates of the corresponding port object on the child schematic sheet.

Enable the Automatic Cross References and Sheet Entries options in project options for tagging sheet entries with cross reference values.

Cross references are enabled for sheet entries. Cross Reference values are also displayed in the Sheet Entry mode of the Properties panel , which simplifies the task of identifying the Cross Reference that is being applied to the selected Sheet Entry. Cross References can be explored in the Properties panel of the selected sheet entry. Support of cross references has also been extended in schematic PDF outputs. If an object is related to more than one connected object e.

Select a list item to open the corresponding page. In the schematic PDF output, multiple connected objects can be easily navigated using the pop-up menu. To give you greater control over the glossing process, a new Gloss And Retrace panel has been introduced for configuring options for the Route » Gloss Selected and Route » Retrace Selected commands.

This new panel can be used to set the gloss and retrace parameters that work best for the selected routing that you are currently glossing or retracing in your design.

For the following two options, you can choose between the Min , Max , or Preferred value of the corresponding rule. Choose Current to leave the existing width or gap unchanged, or type in a new value. Whenever a change is made in the panel or Preferences dialog, it is reflected in the other. The installation defaults are preset to match earlier versions. Glossing behavior during interactive routing or interactive sliding is controlled by the settings in the PCB Editor – Interactive Routing page of the Preferences dialog which can also be configured while you are working in the Interactive Routing and Interactive Sliding modes of the Properties panel.

You can now select the via type to ensure it is protected according to the IPC standard. Additionally, when a via that has the via type set to IPC in its properties is placed in a PCB design, new types of mechanical layers and component layer pairs are automatically added to the design, with corresponding shapes on these layers. The IPC via type mechanical layers are automatically added to the design.

The Top Tenting layer is shown on the design space by way of example. Changes made to PCB component designators did not previously update custom, designator-specific design rules. They had to be updated manually. Enabling this new feature changes references in design rules when PCB component designators are: reannotated; updated by an ECO; or manually edited on the board.

Because of their small physical dimensions, routing in and out of surface mount devices is often dense and complex. In previous versions of the software, if the SMD rules could not be observed, for example, the required ‘distance to corner’ was not available; the router would fail to place any track segments as shown in the video below. To improve the pad entry and exit behavior, the following improvements are available:. Counterholes in the laminate allow room for screw heads.

Countersink and counterbore holes are two types of counterholes that allow for different types of screws. This release introduces the ability to choose counterbore or countersink holes. The key difference between countersink and counterbore screws is the size and shape of the holes; counterbore holes are wider and more square to allow for the addition of washers.

Countersink holes create a conical hole matching the angled shape on the underside of a flat-head screw. A countersink is a cone-shaped hole cut into the laminate.

It is typically used to allow the tapered head of a screw to sit flush with the top of the laminate. By comparison, a counterbore makes a flat-bottomed hole and its sides are drilled straight down. This is usually used to fit a hex-headed cap or screw. Only one countersink or counterbore hole per pad is allowed.

Use the new options in the Pad mode of the Properties panel to choose the type of counterhole desired. A dashed line appears around the pad in 2D to define the counter hole contour on the active layer as shown in the images below. The positioning of the dashed lines is different for Top Side and Bottom Side as seen in the images. Counterholes are supported in 2D, 3D, and in Draftsman. A ‘virtual’ BOM item is added to the project in the Projects panel if there is at least one component in the project.

You can open, save or remove the BOM item. BomDoc has been saved it will become a standard project document. When a project document is removed or its UniqueID has changed, the comments for the document can become “detached”. Those comments can still be accessed from the Comments panel’s Detached Comments collapsible region.

Click on a detached comment’s tile in the panel to show the comment in the design space of the currently opened document. You can restore a comment by selecting it then clicking the mouse. This new option allows you to specify which parameter should be used as a Local Part Name rather than using ‘Comment’ by default. Enable the option then use the associated drop-down to select the desired parameter. A focus for this release is a number of improvements in the ability to analyze simulation measurement results.

Along with additional measurement types, a number of new measurement-based features have been added. These include:. The Show on chart feature displays the measurement cursors where that measurement was calculated. Hover the cursor over the image to show a Histogram of the measurement results. The Counter Hole View object has been added to Draftsman documents.

Select the view to access and view and edit the properties. The following feature has been taken out of Open Beta and has transitioned to Public in this release:. New in Altium Designer. Using Altium Documentation. Contents Altium Designer You have the choice to continue with your current version, update your current version, or install Altium Designer 22 alongside your current version to access the latest features.

Your current version can be updated from within the software in the Extensions and Updates view. If you prefer to install Altium Designer 22 alongside your current version, visit the Altium Downloads page to download the installer then choose New Installation on the Installation Mode page of the installer.

Free Trial! Altium Designer This feature is in Open Beta and is available when the UI. Learn more about Project Commenting.

This feature is in Open Beta and is available when the Draftsman. Comments option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog. This feature is in Open Beta and is available when the Simulation.

ModelAutoAssign option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog. Key Highlights. Schematic Capture Improvements Custom Names for Multi-functional Pins This feature allows for the custom naming of multi-functional pins. Note that use of the slash character to delimit each pin function is hard-coded, so if a pin name should contain a slash but without creating custom pin names for it e. Note that the names of pins with custom names use a background color different from the component body color to distinguish such pins in the design space this will not affect the schematic printouts.

When a component placed on a schematic sheet is being updated from its source library, and pins of the component have custom naming defined on the schematic sheet only, updating will not remove the custom pin naming.

This feature is in Open Beta. If desired, it can be disabled using the Schematic. If desired, it can be accessed using the associated options in the Advanced Settings dialog. To learn more about design data comparison features provided by the Altium Workspace, see Design Data Comparisons.

A general task for a project can be created from the Tasks page of the Altium Workspace browser-based interface when accessing the detailed management page for the project. To learn more, see Management of a Specific Project — Tasks.

If desired, it can be disabled using the PCB. Route it your way, faster than ever. Altium Cloud Services. Latest Altium Designer Software. Unlimited Learning. Live Support. Maintenance Updates. Schematic Capture. Unified Library Management. Mixed Simulation. Board Layout. Interactive Routing. MCAD Collaboration. Data Management. Manufacturing Outputs. Fabrication Drawings. Starting at. Perpetual License Buy an Altium Designer license once, and use it forever.

Starting at price3. Buy now. Something else we can help with? Enable the initial functionality you would like in your installation of Altium Designer. This can be changed later if required. Click to enable the functionality you require. As you select and deselect functionality, text at the bottom of the page dynamically updates to reflect the space required for installation.

Note that the figure given for the amount of downloaded data does not apply to the Offline Installer. Remember, no matter what decision you take during initial installation, you can add or remove features and functionality at any stage after installation.

This puts you in the driver’s seat to fully customize your installation in-line with your possibly ever-changing design needs. This next page of the Installer allows you to specify the destination folders for the install, in terms of both the Program Files for the software and the Shared Documents that are accessed and used by the software.

Specify where the software and associated documents are to be installed. These locations become especially important when installing multiple instances of Altium Designer. If one or both of these destinations is not currently an empty folder i. To specify alternate locations, type the location directly into the applicable field or click the folder icon at the right of a field and browse for the required destination folder.

This page is used to choose whether to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. Since this program requires connection with Altium, it is not required for an offline installation, therefore, you can choose the Don’t participate option then click Next. The Installer now has all the information it requires to proceed with the installation. If you need to change anything, click the Back button. If you want to cancel out of the install, click Cancel.

Ready to begin the install! The page will change from Ready to Install to Installing Altium Designer and the installation will proceed with the required files first being prepared from the set of files contained within the unzipped Offline Installation package. Progress of this preparation is displayed within the Installer itself. Installation commences by preparing the required set of install files. Once the preparation of files is complete, they will be installed, again with progress displayed in the Installer.

After the file preparation is complete, the software is then installed. That’s it, installation is complete! An option is provided to launch Altium Designer when you exit the Installer, which is enabled by default. The process of running the Wizard is outlined below. Note that the Wizard also performs file version checking, Allegro files up to If Extracta. Altium Designer runs the extraction process using the following batch file and extraction command file:.

Surround the filename with double quotes if the filename contains spaces, for example Allegro2Altium “your file. Main page: Import Wizard.


Altium designer 17 pcb board wizard free

Seamlessly accessible from Altium Designer 19 (and up), it provides the most connected experience with Altium Designer GerbView supports both RSD and RSX Gerber formats, and Altium Viewer provides you with a short HTML code snippet you can use to visualize your electronic designs directly onto your own website, forums, or. The image below shows the SODIMM board with the negative end of the CLK net class highlighted; Etsi töitä, jotka liittyvät hakusanaan Altium update pcb footprint from library tai palkkaa maailman suurimmalta Designer 2 / 7. April 11th, – Creating and Modifying a Project with Altium Designer EEL EEL Design 1 and 2. Altium CircuitMaker is a free PCB design tool. So far, I have been placing all the needed footprints on a board file and then import it using Altium import wizard. Help with Allegro-Altium PCB conversion Thread starter Rive; Start date Mar 2, ; Mar 2, #1 Rive. Science Advisor. 2, 1,


PCB Design Software & Tools | Altium.

The image below shows the SODIMM board with the negative end of the CLK net class highlighted; Etsi töitä, jotka liittyvät hakusanaan Altium update pcb footprint from library tai palkkaa maailman suurimmalta Designer 2 / 7. April 11th, – Creating and Modifying a Project with Altium Designer EEL EEL Design 1 and 2. Seamlessly accessible from Altium Designer 19 (and up), it provides the most connected experience with Altium Designer GerbView supports both RSD and RSX Gerber formats, and Altium Viewer provides you with a short HTML code snippet you can use to visualize your electronic designs directly onto your own website, forums, or. Altium CircuitMaker is a free PCB design tool. So far, I have been placing all the needed footprints on a board file and then import it using Altium import wizard. Help with Allegro-Altium PCB conversion Thread starter Rive; Start date Mar 2, ; Mar 2, #1 Rive. Science Advisor. 2, 1,